What is Patreon?
Patreon is one of the most popular membership platforms to help registered creators support their goals. You don’t have to think about big sums, you can even help with the work of your favorite artist with as little as $1. In return, patrons are held in high esteem and may even earn different rewards depending on the amount of the donation.
Why support WABISABI PARK?
The best feedback for me is to see that you love my site and use the plays I have designed. I’m happy to see more and more environmentally conscious parents and kindergarten teachers joining my Instagram page and forming a team to support each other on the bumpy road of nature-based education.
However, if you feel that my downloads are useful to you and you want to help me with my dream of a huge collection of educational materials covering all natural topics, I give you the opportunity to get financial support.
Which support group should you choose?
You can join different groups on my Patreon page. Before you choose, it’s worth reading what rewards they come with.
In return for their support, the members of the Bee team can purchase in the webshop with a 10% discount.
I give the members of the Vizsla team, my loyal friends, early access to the latest free games every month. And you can buy at the webshop with a 20% discount.
In addition to early access to free materials for the noble-minded members of the Lion team, exclusive, high-value graphics and game packages are available each month that remain hidden from the public. In the webshop they can purchase with a 50% discount.

What does the animal flag "Patreon only" in the webshop mean?
Products with the Vizsla flag are only available to members of the Vizsla and Lion teams during the week of upload. After a week the flag will be removed from these products and will be available for anyone to download.
Products with the Lion Flag are exclusive content that is accessible only to members of the Lion team. They can download them for 3 months from the date of their release. But after 3 months, the flag will be removed from them and anyone can buy them.
How do you join a support group?
Just click on the Patreon icon, read through the introduction, and choose a support group you like.
How can I download products labeled "Patreon Only" and take advantage of the discount?
If you are already a member of one of my support teams, click on the "monthly link" for your group on my Patreon page (always use the latest one), which will take you back to my webshop. This way you will already find the discounted prices next to the products (so you don't have to validate the discount separately). In addition to their flagged products, members of the Vizsla and Oroszlán teams will see a download button instead of the Patreon icon.