to WABISABI PARK, a magical place full of nature-based activities and play ideas.
Hi! My name is Andi, I am the founder and graphic artist of Wabisabi Park and the mother of 2 children. I love creating hand-drawn, printable materials that help children learn about nature and what they can use for home education in their early years.
My motto is:
My motto is: “Kids need to be allowed to play and create so they can explore the world. Parents just have to show the way, they have to walk the path. ”
I believe that the most important mission of the new generation is to rediscover the harmony between nature and human and to learn to protect our Earth. To achieve this, our children need to know nature, the importance of our natural values, and this is the way we can help them the most. How? Of course, with plays and parental example. The interests of our children are partly shaped by us, the parents, depending on the environment we provide for them. Toys and plays are also important parts of this, as they are the main components of their learning process. If we surround our children with natural materials from the very beginning, if their toys and fairy tales draw more from the fauna and flora with realistic depictions, then it is easier for them to become connected to nature, which is the key to becoming an eco-friendly adult.
Entering the world of WABISABI PARK, your child develops in many ways, gaining useful knowledge while playing.
  • Learn about the wonders of nature, both the living and inorganic environment.
  • Becomes sensitive to the beauties of nature.
  • Playfully explore the interesting world of colors, shapes, letters, and numbers.
  • Improves English vocabulary.
  • Develops creativity, logic, and problem-solving skills.
  • Improves fine motor skills.
When designing the content, my goal was to have a simple but realistic representation of nature so that the drawings could be easily recognizable. The design of the worksheets should also facilitate the independent solution of tasks and self-control. Although I do not create traditional Montessori curriculum, followers of this method can easily incorporate them into their home education.
Each of the printers can be classified in one of the following 4 categories:
  • Colors-Shapes
  • Write-Read
  • Counting
  • Nature studies
These are the basic topics that excite the 3-year-olds the most, but at the latest when starting school, every child develops a natural interest in them. In each topic, you can find more activities for several ages to make sure you find the right one for you.
The big advantage of paper toys is that they can be collected selectively, and if you print on recycled paper, you do even more for your environment.
The products on the site are only available online, in electronic form, to avoid the use of packaging and shipping. They can be downloaded in PDF format and require home printing.
Most illustrations are black and white line art, and color images often have a simplified version that the printer uses significantly less ink to print. These illustrations also have the advantage of being able to color them as you like.
With the name I chose, I wanted to refer to the philosophy that stems from Zen Buddhism, which largely determines my approach. The effect of this can also be felt in my illustrations. Wabi-Sabi is a clear vision that allows us to find our true values, simplicity, nature, and helps us find peace even in the confusing city life. It would be literally difficult to translate, many just refer to it as “the beauty of imperfection”. It focuses on timeless simplicity instead of following trends. Instead of striving for perfection, it emphasizes acceptance and seeing beauty in imperfection as well, such as in the forms of nature, in a dry flower, or in the wrinkles of an aging lady. And instead of a constant rush, it encourages us to slow down and experience the moment.